Dragon Cave

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Welcome to Dragon Cave! Dragon Cave is an online adoptables game. Collect eggs, raise them to adulthood, and then breed them to cre­ate interesting lineages. New dragons are added regularly!

Viewing Dragon: Nephele Etherealxeno

  • Laid on:Sep 24, 2022
  • Hatched on:Sep 27, 2022
  • Grew up on:Sep 30, 2022
  • Overall views: 12,325
  • Unique views: 1,530
  • Clicks:5

Originating from a single species that thrived in ancient times, Xenowyrms have become an incredibly diverse breed whose appearances vary depending on their habitats. Each Xenowyrm subspecies is heavily reliant on the power of different types of mana, making them powerful magic users. Aquilo live high in the firmament and are almost never seen on the ground. They are all too happy to greet travelers going through the mountains, and also seeing their panic as the Aquilos dive from great heights towards them, only to change course at the last moment and soar back into the sky. Many Aquilo enjoy testing their agility and mastery of air magics in dangerous feats of flying at one another, only to twist and harmlessly pass one another in intricate patterns. They try, with little success, to get the more foul-tempered Astrapi to join in their games.

Dragons are highly-intelligent reptilian creatures that—from a human perspective, at least—appear to live forever. Many different varieties of dragon exist, each with their own unique qualities, habitats, and behavior. Adolescence in dragons is usually marked by the growth of a hatchling’s wings, although not all breeds of dragons grow wings and some breeds have other traits that indicate the beginning of maturation. In Galsreim, dragons and humans coexist peacefully.

User Description

Nephele is what one may call a free spirit. He is unbound by anyone or thing, dwelling high in the air and going wherever he pleases. He's rather a loner, preferring the freedom that comes with solitude. He will, however, engage with other high-flying breeds whenever he feels, often zipping around Stratos and challenging other nimble breeds to aerial races. He's usually the victor. Nephele possesses a strong distaste for his family, specifically his pompous brother, Mirage, and more arrogant uncle. He prefers to avoid drama altogether and anybody who initiates it. Any creature he particularly dislikes he will all out shun and stubbornly avoid even looking at. Most of the time, these biased reactions are based on prior experience, but, occasionally, Nephele will behave this way towards individuals he's hardly even met. First impressions truly are everything when it comes to those dragon.